Easter Changes

Return of Real Bread and the Common Cup

Starting at Easter, we will switch back to using real bread and allowing the congregation to receive the wine on their own. When receiving Communion, you may sip from the chalice, intinct the bread into the wine, or skip the wine entirely. If you choose to intinct, please be careful not to allow your fingertips to touch the wine. Parents may want to help younger children with this practice.

If you are uncomfortable with the common cup, please remember that receiving Communion in one kind is as spiritually complete as receiving in both. Also, studies have shown that the use of fortified wine in a common cup made of a non-porous material is not a likely source for the spread of disease. Our chalice-bearers will continue to wipe the rim of the chalice thoroughly after each communicant.


There will be incense at Easter Vigil and the Sunday 11:00 service, from Easter Day through Pentecost.

Coffee hour

The Sunday coffee hour, which follows the 11:00 service, is set to return starting on Easter Day. After the 11:00 service, join us in the Welcome Center for refreshments and conversation.


Good Friday Concert: Stainer’s Crucifixion


Dinners for Eight Resumes