Education for Ministry News

Beginning the second week in September, St. Paul’s plans to offer a new daytime Education for Ministry class on Thursday afternoons (1:30 -4:00), mentored by Trent Palmer and Sara Milford.

This new offering is in addition to our regular Tuesday evening class (6:00-8:30 pm), which is mentored by Haley Hixson and Susie Norys.

For graduates of EfM, we will also continue to offer the EfM Alumni class on Tuesday evenings (6:30 to 8:00 pm), mentored by Jim Norys and David Kelley.

If you are interested in learning more about Education for Ministry and possibly joining one of the classes, please come to the EfM Interest Gathering on Sunday, June 16, after the 11:00 service (around 12:15 pm) in the South Parish Hall.

This meeting will be an opportunity to hear more about EfM, ask questions, meet with the mentors, and talk with members of the EfM community.

If you cannot make the meeting but are interested in EfM, please call the church office and we will connect you with Trent Palmer, our EfM Coordinator.

A Little More about EfM

EfM is a four-year course in Christian education, formation, and discernment that participants commit to one year at a time. It was developed by Sewanee (The University of the South) and exposes its participants to the core components of a rigorous theological education. 

EfM is the most advanced course of study for lay people in the Episcopal Church. While academic texts are used, participants do not receive grades or educational credit for the course. The goal of EfM is to create a safe space where participants are encouraged to ask real questions, explore their faith and beliefs in-depth, and ultimately to discover their unique vocations as baptized and formed Christians.

EfM is not a lecture course, but rather an opportunity to share insights and struggle with questions from the assigned readings in a community of fellow learners; to reflect theologically on the Christian tradition, daily life experiences, and the larger world; and to join an intimate and accepting learning community. 

Year one participants engage with The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament); year two: the New Testament; year three: church history; and year four: theology, ethics, and inter-religious engagement. Typically, there are participants from all four years learning together as a community, which creates a very dynamic learning experience. 

Classes typically meet weekly and last 2.5 to 3 hours. The course schedule follows the academic calendar with breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas (2 weeks), Spring Break and Summer. 

The class size is limited to no less than 6 and no more than 12 participants, so that significant conversations and opportunities for reflection are possible. 

The course fee is $325 per participant yearly, which includes your EfM workbook. There are also texts the participant will need to purchase at their own expense. There are limited, partial scholarships available. 

The EfM Alumni Class is available to EfM graduates. This class follows the basic EfM meeting format of worship, check-in, book discussion, and engaging with theological reflection and other spiritual practices. In this class everyone will read and discuss one of the Interlude texts from the EfM curriculum. The Alumni Class also follows the academic calendar. There is no cost to participate in the EfM Alumni Class other than the purchase of selected reading materials.

Your EfM Mentors

Haley Hixson and Susie Norys
Tuesday evening EfM (6:00 - 8:30 pm)

Trent Palmer and Sara Milford
Thursday afternoon EfM (1:30 - 4:00 pm)

Jim Norys and David Kelley
Tuesday evening EfM Alumni Group (6:30 - 8:00 pm)


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