Parenting Discussion Group

Sundays at 10:00 am
Upstairs Peach Room

Parents with kids of any age are invited to join in a discussion group. We meet during Sunday School near the children's ministry classrooms. Our conversation will be loosely based around Good Inside by Dr. Becky Kennedy, using the outline below. You are invited to jump in, whether you have done the reading or not, on any Sunday you can make it.

Reading & Conversation Outline

January 8
Introduction & Casual Conversation

January 15
Ch. 1, 2, 3: Good Inside & Two Things Are True

January 22
No Group: Annual Parish Meeting

January 29
Ch. 4+5: The Early Years Matter & It's Not Too Late

February 5
Ch. 6+7: Resilience > Happiness & Behavior is a Window

February 12
Ch. 8+9: Reduce Shame, Increase Connection & Tell the Truth

February 19
Ch. 10: Self Care


Womanist Midrash, pt. 2


King David pt. 4