Knitting 101

Saturdays from 10:00 am to Noon
February 8, 15 & 22 and March 8, 15 & 22 Instructor: Daphne Maurer - ddmaurer (at)

In this introductory class, you will learn to knit. 

We’ll review the various types of yarn and recommended uses for each.  We’ll look at knitting tools:  needles, hooks, markers, and all the other stuff that you’ll collect along your knitting journey.

We’ll cover casting on, knitting and purling, counting stitches, shaping knitted fabric through increases and decreases, troubleshooting, fixing mistakes, binding off and more.

You will start (and finish!) a small project to practice the skills we discuss in class. Working at your own speed, you will be ready to start an independent project.

This class will be relaxed and fun.  There will be plenty of time for questions, answers and individual help.


To register, please send an email to Daphne Maurer or complete this online form.

Please provide your contact information including your name, phone number, and email address.


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