Lenten Evensong + Soup Supper

Sundays in Lent
5:30 pm

Sunday Evensong is a mainstay of the English Cathedral tradition. When the Episcopal Church was planted in this country, it inherited a love of its mother church tradition.

During the season of Lent, St. Paul’s offers a service of Evensong on Sundays at 5:30 pm. We hope you will join us.

A soup supper will follow in the parish hall.


Sunday, February 26
Full Evensong

Sunday, March 5
Simple Evensong

Sunday, March 12
Full Evensong
Featuring the children and youth choirs

Sunday, March 19
Full Evensong
Featuring St. Paul’s Schola singers

Sunday, March 26
Full Evensong

Sunday, April 2
Simple Evensong


Anglican Rosary Workshop


Baptismal Preparation