Lenten Prayer Practice & Book Study

Wednesdays in Lent
Begins March 9
6:30 pm

Cynthia Bourgeault’s book Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening will guide us as we explore the ancient Christian practice of Centering Prayer. The fruits are as accessible to beginners as they are to long-term practitioners and all are welcome. In Bourgeault’s words, you may expect “to be a bit more present in your life, more flexible and forgiving with those you live and work with, more honest and comfortable in your own being.”

Class Details

This class is led by Suzanne Stoner. We meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Books are available for $16 in the church office during the week or the church bookstore on Sunday mornings.

How to Join

To sign up, please reach out to Samantha Clare.

There is something for everyone on Wednesday evenings.

Nursery is open for younger children until 8pm. Youth are invited to attend EYC. Older children are welcome to participate in Creative Contemplation with or without parents, as long as parents are present on campus.


Creative Contemplation


Wednesday Dinner Menu