Listening Hearts Book Study

3-week study
Asynchronous online small groups

We are pleased to announce our first follow up opportunity from Called: A Conference on Vocation and Discernment.

We will be offering a small group opportunity to study the Listening Hearts book over Zoom during the month of March.

We plan to move into practice of discernment tools after this offering and believe that reading this book as a community is the next right step in that direction.

Small Group Meeting Times

We will offer four different small group meeting times and hope that one of them will fit into your schedule. Each group will meet for three weeks, spending one week on each section of the book. It is a short and easy read, and offers lots of fodder for conversation. Each group will be invited to determine whether they would like to meet the week of FPS Spring Break at their first meeting.

  • Mondays @ 1 p.m., beginning March 8

  • Mondays @ 6 p.m., beginning March 8

  • Thursdays @ 9 a.m., beginning March 11

  • Thursdays @ 7 p.m., beginning March 11

How to Register

To sign up for a group, please email Samantha Clare and indicate which day and time you would like to join. We will send out more details like a reading schedule, zoom links, and facilitator contact information as the groups form.

Ordering Information

You can order the book online here:


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