A letter from Evan

Dear St. Paul's:

This week, the Governor of Arkansas announced that religious congregations may resume in-person worship if they are able to comply with certain safety precautions, but the Governor also strongly encouraged congregations to continue to offer online services because gathering in person is not yet advisable or feasible for everyone. The Bishop of Arkansas has indicated that Episcopal parishes in our diocese will not reopen for in-person worship until June at the earliest, and he has invited us to spend the rest of this month making plans for that possible reopening. Although I look forward to the moment when we are able to worship together again, I agree with the Bishop's decision and am grateful for his leadership on this matter. 

I am working with our staff, vestry, and other leaders to figure out what steps we will need to take to resume in-person worship whenever we determine that it is safe to do so. For the foreseeable future, everyone will need to wear a mask and maintain at least six feet of distance while in church. Because of that, we will need to limit the number of people who come to church and figure out how to determine which parishioners will be allowed to come on a given Sunday. We will not be able to share Holy Communion. Those who are vulnerable or have regular contact with vulnerable people may not be comfortable returning to church for a long time. All of that means that, when we do come back, we will not be complete, and that means that we must continue to long for and pray for the day when the dangers of this pandemic are over.

In the weeks ahead, I will continue to update you with our plans for worship and for other church activities. For now, we will continue to worship online, and there will be no change in our programs until at least June 1. As always, continue to pray for those who are affected by the pandemic-those who are sick or vulnerable to illness, those whose work puts them at risk, those who have lost some or all of their income, and those who feel isolated or anxious. We are still the church, and we will continue to be the church regardless of the physical limitations we must endure.


Yours Faithfully,



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