Status Update


Every week, I bump into at least one person who tells me how much they miss going to church. I miss it to—having the pews full, seeing each other’s smiles, not worrying about whether coming together is safe. As we learn more about Covid-19, as more people are vaccinated, as the CDC updates its guidelines, and as the bishop updates his, we are able to bring back some of the things that we have missed over the last year. I want to share some of the recent changes with you.

No Signups for Church

Starting this week, you may come to any of our services without signing up ahead of time. When we resumed in-person worship, we wanted to be sure that we would not need to turn people away at the door, so we asked you to sign up. After two months of weekly church, we have not come close filling up our Covid-limited capacity even once, so we are suspending the signups. This Sunday, just show up!

Masks and Limited Seating

We will continue to require that everyone over five years old wear a mask that covers their mouth and nose while they are inside except for the brief moment when they receive a Communion wafer. Also, to maintain six feet of distance between households, we will continue to use only every other pew, asking individuals to share a pew with another individual and households of two or more to find their own pew. Seating in the parish hall is available with a livestream, and those in the parish hall will come into the church to receive Communion.

Singing and Service Length

The congregation is now allowed to sing all of the hymns and other service music as long as we continue to wear masks. Also, the bishop has lifted the requirement that we limit services to 45 minutes, and we have begun to phase back in some of the elements we had omitted in order to abbreviate our services.


We are still not allowed to use freshly baked bread at Communion or offer wine to the congregation, but we are allowed to kneel at the altar rail if desired. At most services, there will be three stations to receive Communion: one on the nave floor by the pulpit and two at the altar rail. All three stations will offer regular wafers and gluten-free wafers.

Coffee Hour

Starting this Sunday, after all three services, we will serve coffee and light refreshments on the terrace outside the parish hall. You may not bring food or drinks into the building, and you may not gather around the tables where they are being served. Because we are only able to congregate outside on the lawn, we will cancel coffee hour if the weather does not permit it.

Daily Office

Daily services of Morning and Evening Prayer are held at St. Paul’s every weekday at 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.. You are invited to come to those services or continue to watch them online.  

Additional Services

We will continue to offer the Sunday-evening outdoor service for now. By the fall, we will move that service back to Wednesday nights, when we plan to gather in the parish hall. We are also considering when we might resume the midweek morning service.


Starting on May 30, the Adult Forum will be held in the parish hall as well as online, and those who would like to come in person may do so. For the last few weeks, we have offered in-person children and youth formation on Sunday afternoons, and we will look for ways to offer more opportunities during the summer. Adult classes have the choice of meeting in person or online. By the fall, we hope that most programs will be offered in person.

Small Groups

Small groups are allowed to meet at St. Paul’s as long as they sign up through the church office and follow our building use policy and pandemic protocols. Everyone must wear a mask while walking through the building or using the restrooms. If every person in your small group is fully vaccinated and is comfortable removing their mask, you are allowed to do so during your meeting. If not, you must continue to wear masks and sit at least six feet apart.

Office Hours

St. Paul’s church office is now open every weekday. We have adopted a new schedule that we think will better serve our community. We are open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and on Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.. Although the Welcome Center doors remain locked for now, the office is open during those times, and, if you need to come in, you may knock or call the office, and we will come to assist you.

* * *

Of course, these protocols may—and probably will—change again soon. Each week, we try to adapt in ways that meet the needs of our congregation as fully and safely as we can. So far, we have adhered to the principle that we will not offer separate programs or services for vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Although it seems like almost every adult who comes to St. Paul’s has already been vaccinated, none of our children and youth have been. We are a church that believes that everyone is welcome, and we want to show that not only with our lips but in our common life as well.

For the sake of our community, I strongly urge you to get vaccinated and to continue to practice appropriate social distancing measures. Doing so helps all of us come back together more quickly and more fully.

Yours Faithfully,



Centering Prayer Retreat


Weekly Giving Summary