Stewardship Talk: Haley Hixson

From The Rector

How long has it been since you have come to St. Paul's in person? For most of us, it has been since March. But how long has it been since you have been a part of St. Paul's programs and ministries? Hopefully, as Haley Hixon's example shows us, the answer is not nearly that long.

We worship together on Sundays. We pray together every weekday morning and evening. We read and study the Bible. We learn about our faith. We sit in silent contemplation. We hear musicians share their talents. We feed the hungry every Monday and Wednesday. We support financially those who have lost income during the pandemic. We work for justice and to promote the dignity of every human being. We form new disciples for the work God has given us to do.

I miss coming to church, and I know you do, too. Not everything we do is available online, but most of our offerings are. Even if you have not found a livestream program that meets your needs, you are still a part of the work that your church is doing. When you pray for St. Paul's and for its people, you give yourself into that work. When you call someone and tell them that you miss seeing them in church, you join in that work. When you share some of your resources with St. Paul's, you make yourself more fully available for God's work in the world.

On October 18, you will be invited to make a financial commitment to St. Paul's for 2021. Between now and then, take some time to count your blessings and give thanks for them. Pray about what part of your treasure you will share with your church. And look forward to making that commitment as a way of giving yourself more fully to God.

No matter what next year will bring, God will move in and through St. Paul's to share God's unconditional love and infinite grace with the world. I want you to be a part of that.

Yours Faithfully,



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