TGIF starts new book in January

Friday, January 8, 2021
5:30 p.m., online

Our next meeting of TGIF young adult book club will be on January 8, at 6 p.m. (online). We will be meeting the second Friday of each month and reading The Hermitage Within.

We have been forced into solitude during this pandemic. How is our solitude now similar to the solitude of Jesus in the wilderness, or Moses on Mount Sinai? How can we use our experience to build an inner hermitage?

St. Paul’s Young Adults welcomes people age 20-35. To learn more or join the TGIF text group chat, please reach out to Haley Hixson or send a message to and we’ll connect you. In our group chat, we remind each other about the dates, zoom links, and content of our meetings.


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