Theology on Tap Begins Virus as a Summons to Faith

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Tuesday, November 3
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. online

Yes, Theology on Tap will gather online on Election Night to begin conversation of a new book by the great Old Testament theologian Walter Brueggemann, Virus as a Summons to Faith

Lowell Grisham will lead the discussion of the Forward, Preface and first 3 chapters: “Reaping the Whirlwind,” “Pestilence...Mercy? Who Knew?” and “Until the Dancing Again.”

Brueggemann is one of the greatest Biblical theologians of the last fifty years. Before the Election returns begin, get grounded in some solid Biblical reflection. You’ll have plenty of time to start catching up on the vote after we finish. You don’t have to read the chapters to be in the conversation.

To join discussion: 968667


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