The Third Harmony Online Screening

Sunday, November 7
3:00 pm CST

In conjunction with the Episcopal Peace Fellowship, the Rev. Kathy McGregor invites you to an online presentation of Dr. Michael Nagler’s film, The Third Harmony: Nonviolence and the New Story of Human Nature.

In this session, participants will view and discuss a film featuring diverse voices who dare to act on three hypotheses: 1. Everyone has a good core. 2. We are all connected. 3. Problems have solutions. Dr. Michael Nagler shows that, despite all that has gone tragically wrong, despite what we are told about ourselves, the human story is rooted in nonviolence which is the only way to be true to ourselves. 

Dr. Michael Nagler is the author of The Third Harmony: Nonviolence and the New Story of Human Nature, and multiple books on non-violence. He is a former classics professor at Cal Berkeley. He is the founder of Metta Center for Nonviolence, which brings together the project of inner peace with action for justice and reconciliation, bringing to bear the insights of Eastern meditation practices. 


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