Time & Talent Survey

Many St. Paul’s folks already share their time and talents to make our church the wonderful place it is (working in the kitchen, singing in the choir, reading in church, serving on the Vestry). But more hands make light work. 

The Vestry’s Stewardship Committee invites you to share your talents. God gave each of us gifts and talents. What are yours? Where might you use them here at St. Paul's?

Taking this brief survey is the first step. And check out service opportunities at the upcoming Ministry Fair on Sunday, August 20 at 10:00 am. If you provide your contact information on the survey, someone representing your interest area will contact you to discuss the possibilities.

Community grows here at St. Paul’s as we serve God and our neighbors. Your skills and talents can help us thrive while bringing you new friendships and joy.


St. Martin’s Open House


Weekly Giving Summary