Theology on Tap starts new book in October

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Tuesday, October 5
6:00 - 8:00 pm

Theology on Tap meets online the First Tuesday, October 5, from 6 - 8 pm. Link is below.

We're going to return to a writer we've read before—Ilia Delio, OSF. Sister Ilia is a Franciscan nun who is also a scientist. The book is Simply Bonaventure (2nd Edition): An Introduction to His Life Thought, and Writing.

We will read through page 99: Introduction, Bonaventure's Life, Trinity, Creation, Humanity, and Incarnation.

Bonavanture was a 13th century theologian and leader. Richard Rohr often cites him as a significant influence. His focus: 1. Where have we come from? 2. What are we doing here? 3. Where are we going?


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