Vestry Election


 Election Information

Voter Eligibility

  1. be at least 16 years old

  2. be a baptized member of St. Paul’s

  3. be a member for at least the last 30 days

  4. participate in worship at least three times a year

  5. be part of a household that has made a financial commitment to St. Paul’s or that cannot afford to make a commitment. (You can make your 2021 commitment here.) 

Vestry members rolling off this year

  • Jeremy Oxford

  • Myria Allen

  • Conner Eldridge

  • Michael Hollomon

  • Jerry Rose

Vestry members continuing to serve

  • Jeannie Whayne

  • Robert Murphy

  • Julie Chambers

  • Hannah Clark

  • Kristin Payne

  • Peter Quinlisk

  • Elizabeth Rosen

 Vestry Candidates


Karen Hodges

Karen Hodges began attending St. Paul’s in 1966 while in graduate school at the UA to earn a master’s degree in English. She has since also earned a PhD from the UA in English linguistics and has taught English language and literature at the high school, community college, and university levels. As an administrator working through the UA provost’s office, Karen established the Student Success Center. Karen is now “retired” but is blessed to continue working with students on their reading and writing skills through volunteer tutoring at the Ozark Literacy Council. Another important service activity for Karen is supporting single-parent students through the Single Parent NWA organization. At St. Paul’s Karen is an active member of Becoming Beloved Community (hoping in some small way to work toward World Peace) and is on the Morning Reflections writing team.

Mandy Kelly

Hi, my name is Mandy Kelly, and I am humbled to have been nominated to serve on our church Vestry. For those whom I haven’t met yet, I grew up in Russellville as a Methodist, and I was confirmed at St. Paul’s this year. I am a proud mother of two children: Katie Grace and Hank. Katie Grace is attending UAMS and in her 2nd year of medical school. Hank is a junior and plays football at the University of Kansas. When I am not at the church or visiting my kids, I bake pies from my at-home business, The Southern Pie Shop. I have found fulfillment at St Paul’s this year through worship, EfM, volunteering in our church office, and serving on the bread guild. The decisions and work of those before me have shaped the church I know and love today. As part of Vestry, I hope to use my willingness to serve, passion for community, and ability to listen to others’ needs to further grow this church. I would be honored to serve with a glad heart on the Vestry to continue the work of caring for St. Paul’s.

Mac Mayfield

Jana and I have attended St. Paul’s for 23 years. Usually I can be found at the 7:30 service. Jana lets me help decorate the church for holidays with the Flower Guild (under close supervision, of course). From 2019 through 2021, I served on Vestry. Recently I’ve been involved with restorative justice issues including the failure-to-appear amnesty clinics at church. My belief is that St. Paul’s engagement with the Fayetteville community is truly a manifestation of Christ’s kingdom, and I will endeavor to expand those connections if elected to Vestry again.

Jim Norys

What else does one do after waking up on a spiritual journey? Ask to serve on the Vestry of course! I am inspired by the work done here at St. Paul's, and, although I have never served on the Vestry before, I now feel called to serve my church community. I spend my time enjoying family, but my passions lie in advocacy, community building, and social justice. Isn't that why we are all here anyway?

Justin Sneed

I have been a member of the St Paul's community since 2013. I am a native of south Arkansas and a graduate of Henderson State University. After living away for several years, I returned home and settled in NWA in 2012. I found St Paul's after searching several faith communities in the area and immediately felt 'at home'. St Paul's has provided me with so many blessings and has become the community I have sought all my life. My husband Jason and I celebrated the sacraments of confirmation and marriage at St Paul's. I have the honor of serving with the Usher Team and the Queer Community of St Paul's ministry. In our free time, we love camping, traveling, and spending time with our two dogs.