Beholding the Miraculous

"Beholding the Miraculous" explores miracles from the Old and New Testaments through the lens of epiphany. What are these events supposed to be teaching us? How can we incorporate them into a scientifically informed life and faith?

Beholding the Miraculous: Part 1
January 13, 2020

Beholding the Miraculous: Part 2
January 20, 2020

Beholding the Miraculous: Part 3
February 10, 2020

Beholding the Miraculous: Part 4
February 17 , 2020

Beholding the Miraculous: Part 5
February 24, 2020

Beholding the Miraculous: Part 6
March 3, 2020


Annual Parish Meeting


The Baker’s Dozen