By Faith

Psalm 85, 87 • Psalm 89:1-29
Exod. 3:1-12 • Heb. 11:23-31 • John 14:6-14

In our text from Hebrews, Paul asks us to think about the Exodus story. Why would Moses accept God’s call to lead his people out of Egypt? Why didn’t he continue a life of luxury in Pharaoh’s palace? Wouldn’t it be easier to belittle God’s plan in order to lead a life of ease and wealth? Paul gives several examples of how Moses’s faith led Israel towards freedom. Moses knew that God had a better plan for his people than slavery. He gave up his own agency, comfort, and stability. He listened. He believed that wandering through the wilderness for a whole forty years would be worth the reward.

How can I emulate that faith? I can examine my life and identify what things I put my faith in. Is my faith in God hindered by a faith in politics? Do I believe that wealth will protect my soul? Do I think that my constant worry will steer me towards a better life?

Truthfully, I do have faith in things of this world. I can’t imagine the trajectory of God’s plan for me. Faithfulness in God seems risky. But it’s futile to do anything apart from having faith in God. My prayer is for God to increase my faith so that I may do God’s will.

Written by Haley Hixson

If this pandemic has given me anything, it is a deeper sense of the incomprehensibility of God’s plan. I pray for the faith to believe that God’s ways are higher than my ways every day!


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