Who Are You?

Psalm 5, 6 • Psalm 10, 11

Gen. 3:1-24 • Heb. 2:1-10 • John 1:19-28

This is the question that was asked of John the Baptist by the priests and Levites from Jerusalem. John responded, "I am not the Messiah." He went on to say he was not Elijah nor was he the prophet. His answer was, "I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, 'make straight the way of the Lord,' " as the prophet Isaiah said.

In this Reflection I want to challenge us to explore how we might answer the question, "Who are you?" In a social setting we might say what our occupation is (or was if we are retired). We might say where we are from geographically or where we went to school. We might talk about who we are married to or about our kids or grandkids. Are we Republican or Democrat ? (May not be a safe topic these days.) All these answers are correct but convey little about who we really are. 

As we begin a New Year I invite us to live in that question, "Who are you...really?" John answered by identifying his mission or purpose. When the question is approached in that way more important information is revealed. How have you been "the voice of one crying in the wilderness"? Although most of us would not consider ourselves as "Messiah" there are persons we have touched who may view us as delivering them into a better life. Most children would view his/her parents and other mentors as ones who have delivered them to a more abundant life. 

Thomas Keating said that "transformation occurs in relationship." It is only through letting you see me as I am—warts and all—that I will ever discover my true self. We have the ability to love each other into being our best selves. May we take full advantage of that opportunity in 2020—to be messiahs in delivering each other from our False/Ego self into being all God created us to be. Cowabunga!

Written by Nicholas Cole

Nick is learning that the Wilderness is the Promised Land in disguise. That Holy Spirit can be such a trickster!


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