I Am A Rock?

Psalm 119:1-24 • Psalm 12, 13, 14
Gen. 4:1-16 • Heb. 2:11-18 • John 1:(29-34)35-42

John’s account of how Jesus connected with his first disciples is very compelling. Reading it now, I imagine (and have trouble imagining) the magnetism and strength of Jesus’ presence and teaching. What did John’s disciples (Andrew and the other one) see, hear, sense, or intuit that led them to follow Jesus until he invited them to “Come and see”? What was it that moved people to follow him with such devotion so quickly? After being in Jesus’ presence, Andrew was so impressed that he went to his brother Simon, saying “We have found the Messiah,” and brought him to Jesus. Jesus recognized Simon and changed his name to Peter, which is translated as “Rock.”

What was that like for Peter to be recognized by Jesus as someone important, foundational, to what Jesus was teaching? If it were me, I think one part of me would have wanted to run away! And another part would have been touched, humbled, possibly tearful, that someone had recognized the Beauty, the Goodness, the God-ness, of my core being. In that sense, I think we are all Peters, all important, all foundational to what Jesus taught. And we all have the Beauty, Goodness, God-ness at our core that Jesus recognized in Peter.

My hope, and my prayer, is that I can claim my core Being and not run away from it; that bumbling as I am, and Peter was, I can become more of a disciple, more of a Rock, and live more fully with Jesus’ teachings as my foundation.

Written by Cathy Campbell

Cathy is a semi-retired professional counselor and Healing Touch Practitioner. She makes a joyful (not necessarily tuneful) sound in the choir and helps lead the Healing Touch Ministry. She advocates for marginalized groups, especially LGBTQ people. 


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