The Pressure is Off

AM Psalm [70], 71 • PM Psalm 74
Isa. 55:1-13 • Gal. 5:1-15 • Mark 8:27-9:1

As I reflect upon today’s readings I am struck by a common thread about humanity and our own limited minds and understanding.

Isaiah tells us; “For my thoughts are not your thoughts nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.”

Paul is trying to share with the Galatians his understanding of Jesus Christ, but he is limited by his human understanding and seems to ramble in this verse, finally ending with, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

In Mark’s gospel, Jesus asks his disciples “Who do people say that I am?” The answers are those that reflect what the people have known and experienced. “John the Baptist; Elijah; or one of the prophets. When Peter answers, “you are the Messiah”, he is rebuked and all the disciples are ordered not to tell anyone. It’s all a bit confusing.

I am comforted when I read these passages. The pressure is off, so to speak, and I don’t have to know everything about the mystery of God. Even Jesus’s disciples, who were with him day in and day out, don’t have all the answers and are just doing their best to follow Jesus, learn, pray, and grow spiritually.

Prayer and reading works by other theologians has helped me in my spiritual journey. I don’t have any true clarity to share on this day, but today’s readings brought the following quote to mind:

“Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody's business. What we are asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbors worthy.” ― Thomas Merton

Written by Susie Norys

Wife, educator, and Mom of 2 grown kids and 3 dogs. Trying my best to listen for God and to love my neighbor.


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