Being Guided by the Spirit

AM Psalm 75, 76 • PM Psalm 23, 27
Isa. 57:3-13 • Gal. 5:25-6:10 • Mark 9:14-29

I usually gravitate towards the gospel reading for my reflection, but our epistle today really resonated with me. It is an amazing message of reconciliation, which I think we are all craving at this time.

When someone is part of a transgression against us, we are called as those who have received the spirit to “restore such a one with a spirit of gentleness.” This is not the approach we are naturally inclined to when it comes to those who have hurt us.

The next part is an interesting dichotomy. It begins with “Bear one another’s burdens” and ends with “for all must carry their own loads.” In between is a process of measuring your success. The challenge of “testing your own work” and measuring by your own success rather than the success of your neighbor is a valuable approach (also not my first inclination).

We can all strive for a spirit of gentleness as we interact with those we feel have transgressed against us. We can have the grace to bear each other’s burdens, while we strive to carry our own load. It is most important to recognize that in challenging times the love and grace we are called to offer does not have to come from us, it is the very love and grace that God offers us daily.

Written by Dan Robinson

Dan Robinson is the Director of Media Ministries at St Paul’s, streaming the services online.


Thank You, Bishop Barber!


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