Focus on Doing Good

AM Psalm 30, 32 • PM Psalm 42, 43
Deut. 7:17-26 • Titus 3:1-15 • John 1:43-51

I’ve spent this past week being yelled at on the phone from very passionate constituents. As a Senate intern, I keep trying to search for meaning in all of this, a purpose for the verbal abuse. Of course there are great callers too that tell me war stories, thank me for my service, or have problems I can actually solve. However, it’s the death threats, conspiracy theories, and personal attacks that keep me up at night. The reading from Titus really spoke to me this week.

God doesn’t call us to quarrel over the law, argue about conspiracies, or force our ideas on everyone else. Doing what is good is profitable to everyone, regardless of faith. Striving to do what we think is right isn’t necessarily the same is striving to serve God. Many people expect a reward for doing what is good or tend to become self righteous in pursuit of what they believe is the only right way. God saved us because of His mercy, not our righteousness. Doing God’s work is doing good work, but often there is no glory, others may not agree with you, and the true purpose may take a while to reveal itself.

The most striking thing to me working in the Senate is that everyone that calls in believes they are doing good, even though their opinions are often completely contradictory. Focusing on what you believe is good work often leads to the assumption that anything that doesn't align with that belief is inherently bad. In reality there are many good paths, even if they seem to be in opposition. I believe there is a purpose for everyone’s opinions. We must focus on doing what God calls us to do and trust it is good work. God calls us to do good not argue about what is good. I urge you this week to have a bias towards action. Instead of arguing about politics, work to make your community a better place. Instead of condemning others views, work towards loving your neighbor. Instead of responding to inflammatory Facebook posts, open your eyes to what good God is calling you to do.

Written by Hadley Thomas

Hadley recently graduated from the Colorado School of Mines with a biochemistry degree and is working in Washington D.C. as a Senate intern. She is applying to medical school and plans to become a Navy physician. She is passionate about her faith and is excited to share her perspective and interpretations with the amazing congregation of Saint Paul’s.


Woman, what concern is that to you and to me?


The Evolution of Faith