Mark 3:11
AM Psalms 56, 57, (58) • PM Psalms 64, 65
Gen. 41: 46-57 • 1 Cor. 4: 8-29 (21) • Mark 3: 7-19A
“When the unclean spirits saw him, they fell down before him and shouted. “You are the Son of God.””
The people were clamoring after Jesus, not because they knew him as the Son of God, but for what they could get from him (i.e. healing). Yet when the unclean spirits encounter him, they ask for nothing but fall down in worship and proclaim him divine. Says a lot for us people, doesn’t it—when unclean spirits react better to the presence of Jesus than the rest of us.
In my better moments I feel worshipful towards Jesus simply because of who he is, for the beauty of his being. But I must admit there are other times I'm perhaps more interested in what he can do for me. The gift of eternal life, no less. And in Paradise, at that!
Of course it is not wrong to want this. It is quite right to want this great blessing. But I do wish there were more times that I worshiped him simply because of who he is: The Son of God.
Written by John Morgan
John is a decades-long member of St. Paul's, and attends the 11 o’clock service. A former Eucharistic minister and teacher in the Servant Ministry school, he is currently an EfM co-mentor.