My soul in silence waits...
AM Psalm 61, 62 • PM Psalm 68:1-20(21-23)24-36
Gen. 42:1-17 • 1 Cor. 5:1-8 • Mark 3:19b-35
I confess that when my Morning Reflection assignment arrives via email, I usually go to the Gospel lesson first, then look over the additional appointed readings, and often only glance at the Psalms—sometimes skipping them altogether if one of the earlier readings grabs my attention. But today Psalm 62 serves as the inspiration for my reflection—and a reminder of the beautiful language and wisdom to be found in the psalmists’ words.
“For God alone my soul in silence waits; truly there is my hope. God alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold, so that I shall not be shaken.”
These verses bring me back to the realization that my relationship with God is fundamental to my well-being (my rock and salvation and my stronghold!) and it is only in God that I can find the strength to deal with whatever comes my way. (And there have been so many things that have “shaken” me recently, this message is especially timely!)
I also appreciate the opening line of this psalm, repeated in verse 6, which reminds me that one of the best places to “wait” for God is in silence...Be still and know I am God...but keeping still isn’t always easy for me. In this season of Lent I am committed to the practice of “holy silence” with the hope that it will become a lifelong habit—and in doing so, further deepen my connection with my rock and my salvation.
Written by Shannon Dillard Mitchell
Shannon is a parishioner at St. Paul’s and serves on the Altar Guild and St. Spatula's crew.