Messy Miracles

AM Psalm 89:1-18 • PM Psalm 89:19-52
Gen. 49:1-28 • 1 Cor. 10:14 - 11:1 • Mark 7:24-37

In our Gospel reading today, Jesus performs some messy miracles. The first one is “socially messy” in that Jesus addresses the social dynamics of the times, effectively referring to the person asking for his help as a “dog.” I believe in pointing this out, Jesus was assessing the reach of woman's faith beyond the social boundaries. Her faith was there, and her daughter was healed.

The next miracle is just straight-up messy. Jesus stuck his fingers in the man’s ears. He spat, and touched the man’s tongue. All of these things seem somewhat nightmarish in a world where we are currently practicing physical distancing. We can assume that was unconventional even at the time, as Jesus chose to “take him aside, away from the crowd.” Again, the man’s faith in Jesus was the source of his healing.

In this moment of human history, there are those who are performing “messy miracles.” As many of us sit at home to help curb the spread of this virus, there are those who are working tirelessly and at great sacrifice to minister to the sick. They are putting thermometers in people’s ears, and touching their tongues with depressors. They are serving people from all walks of life, from the wealthy to the impoverished. They are the hands of Jesus in this difficult time.

It is our faith in Jesus that brings us peace. It is our willingness to be a part of “messy miracles” that are needed for healing. Our country is about to go through a very challenging time, rebuilding and re-discovering the “new normals,” and how we shape and serve our communities. I believe that this whole crisis, in its own way, can be seen as a messy miracle. People are finding new ways to connect, our connections online are deepening in meaning and honesty. We are working together in new ways to help each other through the struggle. I pray that we can have the faith to be part of the healing this will require.

Thanks be to God.

Written by Dan Robinson

Dan Robinson is the Director of Media Ministries at St Paul's, streaming the services online.


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