There is Enough

AM Psalm 97, 99, [100] • PM Psalm 94, [95]
Gen. 49:29-50:14 • 1 Cor. 11:17-34 • Mark 8:1-10

Today’s gospel is one of the loaves and fishes stories. I’ve always loved these stories. In a moment of apparent scarcity, in this case seven loaves and a few small small fish and four thousand people, something shifts, and “they ate and were filled,” with seven baskets left over. There was enough, more than enough.

Several years ago, I took a class at St. Paul’s that was based on Lynne Twist’s The Soul of Money. A major theme of that class was that there is enough, enough food and enough money, for everyone in the world to have enough to eat. The problem is that these resources are being hoarded by those who are afraid that there isn’t enough, or for other reasons aren’t willing to share what they have.

It’s March 10 as I write this. I don't know how the world situation will have changed by the time you read this, especially regarding the corona virus. This credible threat to well-being moves many people into fear: fear of getting sick, fear of not being able to work, fear of being quarantined, fear of not having toilet paper or food, fear of being isolated. I don’t pretend to have a solution to this problem, anymore than I have a solution to the foreign and domestic policies based on fear. I do hope that my personal decisions will, with the grace of God, be based on the assumption that there is enough, that I can share what I have, whether it’s time and money, along with love and compassion.

Written by Cathy Campbell

Cathy is a semi-retired professional counselor and Healing Touch Practitioner. She makes a joyful (not necessarily tuneful) sound in the choir and helps lead the Healing Touch Ministry. She advocates for marginalized groups, especially LGBTQ people.


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