The Wisdom of Solomon

AM: Psalm 85, 87 • Isaiah 52:7-12 • Hebrews 2:5-10
PM: Psalm 110:1-5(6-7), 132 • Wisdom 9:1-12 • John 1:9-14

The Wisdom scripture above is known as Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom. At this time we find ourselves in a global dilemma that is currently defying the wisdom of all of the world's medical and epidemiological experts. Life as we have known it has been turned upside down by a tiny organism that can only be seen by an electron microscope.

As people of faith, how are we responding to this phenomenon that threatens life as we have known it? There seems to be a level of anxiety in the air that has not occurred in my lifetime. My anxiety is not as much about the possibility of illness as it is about the loss of many things that have made life so rich and rewarding—Spring without March Madness? The Masters golf tournament? No College World Series when the Razorbacks looked they might finally close the deal after two near misses?

Okay, so not everyone is as much of a sports fan as I am. We could talk about no school, no musical performances, no plays, no church services, no gatherings of any kind, and even a shortage of toilet paper! We are being directed to avoid all but the most necessary contact with each other.

I believe this is an opportunity for all of us to be more aware of how much we have taken for granted in our lives. Perhaps part of wisdom is to be able to appreciate something fully before it is taken away—and also to focus on what we have rather than what is missing.

I am thankful to know that, although we will not be seeing each other at church for a while, we are all connected...and along with Solomon are asking for wisdom to meet adversity with resourcefulness and skillful means.

Written by Nicholas Cole

...who is very thankful for the community that is St. Paul’s Church.


Impulsive Peter


There is Enough