God’s Fidelity

AM Psalm 95* for the invitatory & 102 • PM Psalm 107:1-32
Jer. 23:1-8 • Rom. 8:28-39 • John 6:52-59

The Psalm appointed for this morning is apt as we begin to approach the conclusion of Lent. While, I must be honest my Lenten discipline has in many ways failed to live up to my aspirations, this Psalm is still a balm for the weary soul. It reminds us of God’s fidelity; to creation; to justice; to humanity; to us. That radical act of faithfulness is represented even more fully in the reading from the Gospel of John where Jesus begins to lure us into the mystery of the Sacrament of the Table. Every time we approach the Table and hear those words, “the Body of Christ, the Bread of Heaven; The Blood of Christ, the Cup of Salvation,” we are reminded of God’s fidelity and solidarity with us.

It is fitting when reflecting on these readings that today marks the feast of St. Oscar Romero. St. Romero’s life stands as a testament to the charge we all carry in response to God’s fidelity. We ourselves are called to fidelity and solidarity to the rest of our siblings in Christ. We are called to service and love. As we begin to approach the end of this Lenten journey let the life of St. Romero remind us all that we are not islands and may the words of the Psalm remind us that even though we wander, God is with us.

Written by Jonathan Leonard

Who when writing this reflection couldn’t get the thought of the Philippians 2 hymn out of his head. Also if anyone wants to know more about St. Oscar Romero his Wikipedia page is as good a place as any to start!


Mary Said “Yes”


Drawn to the Bread of Life