Mary Said “Yes”

The Annunciation:
AM: Psalm 85, 87 • Isaiah 52:7-12 • Hebrews 2:5-10
PM: Psalm 110:1-5(6-7), 132 • Wisdom 9:1-12 • John 1:9-14

I commend the readings appointed for today to you as they contain some beautiful passages of scripture, including “What are humans that you are mindful of them…?” (Heb 2:5) and from John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh and lived among us…”

but because March 25 is when we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation (9 months before Christmas Day!) I want to reflect upon that mystery of faith.

Around Christmas last year I saw a meme on social media that read something to the effect of “I am a Christian because a teenage girl said ‘yes!’” The implication (at least in my interpretation) being that something as unpredictable as a young girl’s response – to God, via an angel, no less - was at the root of Christianity. As the mother of two daughters, recalling how mercurial their moods could be, I am amazed that after her initial fear and astonishment, Mary said “yes!” to God’s invitation for her to bear the Christ child.

One of my favorite depictions of The Annunciation was painted in the 15th century by

the artist known as Fra Angelico, for an altarpiece that now hangs in the Prado Museum in Madrid.* In this version (the artist painted several others, it seems), the angel Gabriel is depicted with shimmering, gilded wings, bowing to a golden haired, young woman. She also bends forward in greeting, with her arms crossed in front of her, as the Holy Spirit – depicted here as a white dove – descends on a golden beam of light emanating from two outstretched hands in a cloud above. Beyond the radiant halos on both the angel and Mary, the artist lets us know that this is no ordinary encounter! From Mary’s countenance we can imagine her softly saying, “Let it be with me according to your word.”

Mary’s willingness to be the vessel God called her to be is why she is so beloved and venerated. She overcame her fear and trepidation and said “yes” to God. Contemplating the significance of Mary’s “yes” also reminds us to be willing to say “yes” whenever we encounter God’s holy invitation.

Written by Shannon Dillard Mitchell

…who is grateful to the Blessed Virgin Mary and also to the Rev. Hannah Hooker for sharing her thoughts and words about Mary’s “yes.”


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