When you don't know what to do, turn to the Psalms!

AM Psalm 51:1-18(19-20) • PM Psalm 69:1-23
Jer. 12:1-16 • Phil. 3:1-14 • John 12:9-19

This advice, to turn to the psalms, was once given to me when I could not come up with a “theme” for my Morning Reflection. It rings true for daily life, as well. Alongside some classic lines from Psalm 51, such as Create in me a clean heart, O God… and O Lord, open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise, is this verse that stood out for me today: You desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart.

Over the past nine weeks, I have been participating in Second Breath: The Inward Journey with a small group – via Zoom, of course. This series of lessons, readings, video instruction, and discussion has been truly insightful. This program has helped me to begin to understand the truth in my inward being. And seeking wisdom in my heart through these sessions has taught me a lot about my faith.

Psalm 69 details all sorts of tragic situations that have befallen the psalmist and his/her demands for salvation from these circumstances; however, the tone is more of demand than request. As in my prayers, there is a hint of impatience: Answer me, O Lord, for your steadfast love is good; according to your abundant mercy, turn to me. Do not hide your face from your servant, for I am in distress – make haste to answer me.

Like the psalmist, patiently waiting for whatever it is I need to hear from God is my greatest challenge. I appreciate the tools from the Second Breath program that enable me to slow down, breathe, and to listen. When I am in distress, rather than demanding that God “make haste to answer me,” I can practice one of several spiritual exercises that allows me to pause. The psalms also serve as a rich resource for Lectio Divino and Centering Prayer, two of the many practices we studied in this program.

Written by Shannon Mitchell

...who is grateful for the return of in-person worship at St. Paul’s and hopes to be seated in a pew soon!


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