Christ in the Mirror

AM Psalm 6, 12 • PM Psalm 94
Jer. 15:10-21 • Phil. 3:15-21 • John 12:20-26

A wonderful scene from I Love Lucy takes place between Lucy and Harpo Marx. The two imitate each other as if facing a mirror. They hilariously match moves for about three minutes, creatively clapping their hands, making facial expressions, completing one of the hardest acts for a mime to perform. It’s an imitation game and they do it to perfection!

In today’s reading, Paul asks: “Join in imitating me and observe those who live according to the example you have in us” (Philippians 3:17). Today’s reading also contains Christ’s words: “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honour” (John 12:26). In both passages, we are asked to imitate Jesus.

Who do you imitate? Who imitates you?

We like to think of ourselves as unique individualists. Nonetheless, we are all imitators of other people. We learn to speak by emulating parents and teachers. We learn to walk and run by doing much the same. Sometimes, we even mirror others’ habits that are not necessarily in our best interest. Nonetheless, each of us is a hodge-podge of influences from our past and present that make us the unique individuals that we are. We imitate others and others imitate us.

I don’t know about you, but mirroring Jesus doesn’t sound like a bad idea—caring for those in need, being kind and generous, offering a smile (even through a mask). When we do these and other acts of kindness and love, we imitate Jesus.

No matter our flaws as human beings, we are made in the image and likeness of God. Thus, when you stand before the mirror, look for that reflection of Christ - it is there!

Written by Linda C. Jones

Linda has been an active member of St. Paul’s since 2000. Currently she serves as Associate Verger, Chorister, Lay Reader and Junior Warden. You can watch Lucy and Harpo’s skit here.


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