Knocked Upside the Head

AM Psalm 26, 28 • PM Psalm 36, 39
Dan. 4:28-37 • 1 John 4:7-21 • Luke 4:31-37

We go along in life sometimes, thinking how good things are and how well we have done. We might even give ourselves a good pat on the back. Like Nebuchadnezzar pronounced, “Is this not magnificent Babylon, which I have built as a royal capital by my mighty power and for my glorious majesty?”, we too can see our accomplishments as ours alone.

Then it comes that “knock upside the head” that reminds us not be so fast to take all the credit. We probably won’t spend 7 years eating grass, having our hair grow long and our nails grow like claws to have our reason returned to us. But we do need that “knocked upside the head” to remind us that our pride can get out of hand. We remember that we need not “walk in pride.”

“Walking in pride” is an easy thing to do. Our culture encourages it and wants us to take the credit. Sometimes in our professions we need take credit for any sort of advancement. That is all well and good if we remember in whose name we are taking the credit. We see athletes giving heartfelt credit to God by raising their hand to the sky after a great play. These kinds of actions remind us to give credit where credit is due.

God wants us to rejoice. He wants us to know how much He love us. He wants us to prosper, that goes for all we accomplish, and all we don’t accomplish. What a stress can be taken off us when we give God the credit. We have no pride or at least a little less. We don’t have to worry because we give it to God. We can rest because “He’s got this.” We are loved and we love. “We love because he first loved us.”

We get knocked upside the head and realize it is all good! And we sit back and remember the words from the psalms today,

“For your love is before my eyes...”
“The Lord is my strength and my shield”
“Therefore, my heart dances for joy!”

Written by Chris Schaefer

Getting knocked upside the head on a regular basis and then dancing for joy when I realize once again it is all about Him!


Speaking Out Before Kings


Make Me Know Your Ways, Lord