Speaking Out Before Kings

AM Psalm 38 • PM Psalm 119:25-48
Dan. 5:1-12 • 1 John 5:1-12 • Luke 4:38-44

The psalmist spoke directly to me today when I read verses 45-46 in Psalm 119:

I will walk about in freedom,
for I have sought out your precepts.
I will speak of your statutes before kings
and will not be put to shame...

The image that immediately came to my mind was of the recent videos I watched of Arkansas citizens sitting before the legislative bodies of our state and speaking out against the bills aimed at targeting and marginalizing LGBTQ+ youth. Some were transgender adults who directly experience that same marginalization, some were parents and caregivers of transgender youth who deeply love their children for who they are, and some were teachers and doctors who care deeply about the mental and physical health of the young people they serve. All of them were extremely brave to speak out and stand up for what they believed in.

Because whether they knew it or not, they, like the psalmist, were called upon to speak before “kings”, or rather power-holders, and not be put to shame. They were asked to carry a torch for our society that isn’t easily carried. Few of us are brave enough to speak out on sensitive issues; we don’t want to offend anyone, or worse yet, incur their wrath. We want everyone to just get along and so we leave the work to other people who we think have less to lose than we do.

For me, those that spoke out during the proceedings truly embodied a divine love for their fellow human beings, because they sacrificed their own comfort and safety to help the most vulnerable amongst us. What better image of the sacrificial love of Christ could we have?

Written by Emma Mitchell

When not serving the youth and families at St. Paul’s as the Youth Director, Emma enjoys a good craft project, a thrifting adventure, and hanging out with her husband Dave and small menagerie of animals.


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