Regrets, I've had a few

AM Psalm 30, 32 • PM Psalm 42, 43
Dan. 6:16-28 • 3 John 1-15 • Luke 5:27-39

Have you ever had one of those moments? You know, one of those moments, that you blurted out a command, a directive, a promise or a threat that you wish you could take back. Maybe it was the nanosecond after the words left your mouth or you were naïve, and it took time for you to realize your folly. Regardless, the result would be the same, feelings such as regret, shame, remorse or something similar to that. I, unfortunately, have had more than one of those moments.

When I read today’s Old Testament section of the Daily Office, I am reminded of those times in my life and can readily identify with King Darius. In Daniel 6:16-28, we read about the results of just one of those situations. King Darius had issued a command “whoever prays to anyone, except me (King Darius) would be thrown into a den of lions” Daniel 6:8. I wonder if King Darius knew he would regret his ordinance as soon as he said it or if it only occurred to him later? In scriptures 18 - 20, we read that Daniel had been thrown into the den of lions due to this ordinance because he would not stop praying to God. King Darius followed through with his rule. In doing so, he was distressed to the point that he refused to eat and could not sleep. He returned to the den of lions at daybreak and “cried out anxiously to Daniel,” wanting to know if Daniel’s God had saved him. We all know how that story ended. To King Darius and countless others pure joy, God’s power had kept Daniel safe, even in a den full of lions.

King Darius’s moment of rash actions resulted in God being glorified and honored. God saving Daniel from the den of lions led to yet another decree by King Darius, “that in all my royal administration people should tremble and fear before the God of Daniel,” Daniel 6:26. Unfortunately, not all rash decisions have such desirable results.

Written by Tara Elzer

Tara is a server of sherry and other fine libations, the second Sunday of each month at St. Paul's. A service that sadly has been temporarily paused but will hopefully resume soon.


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