Son of Encouragement

AM: Psalm 15, 67 • Ecclus. 31:3-11 • Acts 4:32-37
PM: Psalm 19, 146 • Job 29:1-16 • Acts 9:26-31

Although the psalms appointed for this day are some of the most beautiful in the Psalter (my opinion), I was more interested in today’s commemoration, Barnabas, Son of Encouragement.

I had never been much aware of Barnabas, although I’ve read the Book of Acts and seen it performed as adapted by my husband, Doug Cummins. But this time, in this time of pandemic, I was struck by his name – son of encouragement. Why did the apostles give him this name? In the first reading from Acts, by his gift he certainly encouraged others to give likewise and contribute to their mutual life. He encouraged the others to accept Saul, now Paul, as one of them which led to Paul’s famous ministry. Why was “encouragement” important enough to the writer(s) of the Book of Acts to put these stories in?

Perhaps because we all need encouragement when the way gets tough. And it often is very tough. Stay in for months. Wear a mask when you go out. Stay at least 6 feet away from each other. Don’t hug your grandkids. Don’t gather in your church building.

But how do we feel when we hear, “You’re doing great!” “Hang in there.” “We’ll get through this.” What about when you get an unexpected phone call, “How are you doing?” When there is a thinking of you card in your mailbox. When your family lets you know how important you are to them, “I’ll do the shopping for you.” All these are encouraging words and actions. I want to be more like Barnabas. Encourage, encourage!

In the words of Julian of Norwich: All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.

Written by Jacqui Brandli

Jacqui grew up in Fayetteville as a member of St. Paul’s. She is so grateful for the blessings of being able to return to this community – as soon as her Texan husband said he could live in Fayetteville. It has been 10 wonderful years.


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