Who Deserves Divine Mercy?

AM Psalm [83] or 34 • PM Psalm 85, 86
1 Samuel 2:27-36 • Acts 2:22-36 • Luke 20:41-21:4

Who would you list as enemies of God? In Psalm 83, there are six verses full of seventeen names of people and tribes who are plotting against Israel. The Psalmist hopes those enemies will be stricken down with shame, disgrace, and terror. He wants the enemies to know as they perish that Yaweh, Israel’s God, is the Most High over the earth. Wouldn’t it feel good if those people got punished, so that everyone knows finally that God was on your side (and not theirs)?

On the flipside, when the Psalmist finds that his own tribe had been sinning against God, a more nuanced consideration of divine retribution follows. Psalm 85 admits that Israel had experienced the well-deserved fury of God, but then after recognition and repentance from the sin, Israel rejoices in having been forgiven.

It is valuable to remember God’s mercy on all sinners. While we can think of that long, long list of folks and institutional powers who are plotting directly against God’s will, we can also think of what a joy it will be when all of us together find truth and reconciliation. Truth shall spring up from the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven. The Lord will indeed grant prosperity, and our land will yield its increase. (Psalm 85:11-12)

Written by Haley Hixson

If you are ready to hear my list of 17 people and institutions that I think could use a good dose of shame, disgrace, and terror, catch me at coffee hour after the 11:00 service on Sundays. (Just kidding! …he is speaking peace to his faithful people... Perhaps I will try to do the same).


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