Don’t Let the Noise Distract You

AM Psalm 88 • PM Psalm 91, 92
1 Samuel 3:1-21 • Acts 2:37-47 • Luke 21:5-19

The Gospel passage this week is not the verse to seek when you are in need of compassion, love, and forgiveness. However, if you need a little reminder that life is just hard and by golly it might even get harder–then you have come to the right place! This is the time when I need some guided reflection.

I find the practice of Lectio Divina to be helpful when there is difficult reading of scripture. One way this is used is to read the verse out loud and just rest with the words. Simply let the words speak to you and notice a word or phrase that is pulling at you. Do this two more times and let yourself lean into what is speaking to you. Sometimes it is surprising where your mind and heart are drawn.

Today’s Gospel is hard and a little too close to home, so to speak. We are coming out of a global pandemic, an attack on democracies and our earth is crying out for help from climate change that brings fires, floods, and storms. I am easily distracted and caught up in all the warnings in this passage. However, I am repeatedly drawn to the phrase “beware that you are not led astray.”

With current events and a 24/7 news cycle, this phrase reminds me to not let all of the noise distract me. Jesus and his teachings of love and compassion must remain my focus. If I can remember this, even in the midst of turmoil and fear, then I will not be led down a path of despair. Each incremental act that is based in love and compassion, will keep me grounded. It is my job to notice them and be grateful.

Written by Susie Norys

...who is completely thrilled to be back in church and hear the word of the Lord amongst friends.


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