Not To Be Served, But To Serve

Psalm 105:1-22 • Psalm 105:23-45
Num. 17:1-11 • Rom. 5:1-11 • Matt. 20:17-28

Today’s epistle is a wonderful passage illustrating the path to salvation and the hope in suffering. It is very invigorating to read Paul’s words as he was fanning the flames of the early church. Just wanted to highlight it and encourage you to read it.

Our Gospel reading offers us two interesting things. One, that Jesus clearly laid out for his disciples the events that were to come, which always challenges me as to why they had such a struggle with their faith. Two, the dynamic of the “power seat”; who is worthy to sit next to Jesus? Who will be “in charge”?

Jesus responds by reminding us clearly about the change he was bringing. The message Christ brought was that of service. God’s work does not come from authority, or domination, but from service. Not to some, not to a select few, but to all. The most powerful person on earth came not to be served, but to serve.

In this moment of our history, it is fascinating to think about what would be different if leadership and “power” had been approached this way. If self-interest had nothing to do with ambition, and success was on behalf of all. Although we can not change the painful past that lies behind us, I think it is an interesting exercise to imagine a world where those in power lived to truly serve those who are powerless. This gives us a glimpse of the future we can work toward, which would bring us closer to the kingdom of God on Earth.

Written by Dan Robinson

Dan Robinson is the Media Specialist at St. Paul’s, streaming the services online.


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