I Once Was Blind…

Psalm 102 • Psalm 107:1-32
Num. 20:1-13 • Rom. 5:12-21 • Matt. 20:29-34

As a retired ophthalmologist the Gospel reading today caught my ear. "Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes. Immediately they regained their sight and followed him." Now that is a trick I never mastered in over 30 years of practice of ophthalmology!

What are we to make of that healing of vision? Was this possible in the literal sense? My medical training would cast a jaundiced eye on how this could be literally true. However, I've always liked the adage, "all these stories are 'true' — and some of them actually happened." I would say whether this story is correct from a medical model is not nearly as important as the metaphorical interpretation(s).

How many times in our lives have we "been blind but now we see"? As recently as last night I found myself arguing a point to support a belief in my False Self that was getting in the way of really listening to the other person. I was unable to see that "beam in my own eye" at the time. With some much-appreciated(??) help from my wife, Carolyn, I was able to see what I had been doing. With this new inSight I was able to make an amend to the other and vow to become a better listener.

It is humbling to wonder what else I am not seeing at any given moment as I make my way through this day. That humility is my friend as I continue to turn my will and my life over to the God of my understanding. COWABUNGA!

Written by Nicholas Cole

May I have some ice cream with that humble pie?




Not To Be Served, But To Serve