Do the Right Thing

Psalm 26, 28 • Psalm 36, 39
Joshua 2:15-24 • Rom. 11:13-24 • Matt. 25:14 – 30

I found the same theme in all three of the readings. In Joshua, Rahab has hidden two spies sent by Joshua. In return, they promise protection for her and her family under certain conditions. If she follows the conditions her family will be safe from the coming battle. She must do the “right thing”. In Paul’s letter to the Romans he uses the example of the holy olive root with its natural branches and those grafted on (the Gentiles). They all are holy when attached to the root, but they can be cut off if they do not continue in God’s “kindness.” They must do the “right thing” to continue to be connected to the holy root. In Matthew we have the parable of the Talents. Those who know and understand their master, invest their talents and make more and are praised. They did the “right thing.”

What is my “right thing”?  I have been given so much: health, love, family, prosperity, privilege, education. How do I stay connected to the “holy root”? How do I use the “talents” I’ve been given? Sometimes I know some of it. Giving time, talent, and money to the church and other good things I care about is a right thing. But how much is enough? Am I headed in the right direction? Or is the right thing just continuing to try? I don’t have answers, but as long as I keep trying I trust God to guide my steps toward the right thing. 

Written by Jacqui Brandli

I was born and raised in Fayetteville and St. Paul’s has always been my church home. I am so grateful God guided my footsteps back “home.”


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