Works of Mercy

Psalm 38 • Psalm 119:25-48
Joshua 3: 1-13 • Rom. 11: 25-36 • Matt. 25: 31-4

After 1 Corinthians 13 - “the greatest of these is love” - this passage from Matthew’s gospel is probably my second favorite Bible verse. It’s not “the judgment of the nations” (as this passage is titled at or the division of the sheep from the goats or the description of “the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” that captures my attention, but rather the presentation of the “works of mercy” (albeit in a rather redundant format) which is what I believe to be the essence of this verse.

Feed the hungry.
Give drink to the thirsty.
Welcome the stranger.
Clothe the naked.
Care for the sick.
Visit the prisoner.

While the threat of ‘hellfire and damnation’ may serve as a motivation for righteous living for some, I see this passage as a reminder that we are all members of God’s family and beloved children of God – even “the least of these” – and accept this as a call to action. Such a timely message! May we keep these words in our hearts and minds as we strive to see Jesus in all people and continue to serve as Christ’s hands and feet in this world.

Written by Shannon Dillard Mitchell

...a child of God and (sometimes) servant of Christ.


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