What We Are Told and What We Know Be True

AM Psalm 55 • PM Psalm 138, 139:1-17(18-23)
Joshua 23:1-16 • Rom. 15:25-33 • Matt. 27:11-23

As an individual with a Master’s in Political Science and brief time as a political candidate, much of my perspectives and views are through the lens of politics. How certain things are done, why certain people do certain things, even in daily life I examine every thing I come across in a political context. There are plenty of benefits of utilizing this lens, but often it misses important parts of daily life, namely the humanity and kindness and empathy extended by strangers without expectations. There are people out there who extend kindness and love out of respect for others but also out of a desire to make others and the world happier.

The reading I most fixated on is from Matthew 27:15-23, in which Pilate asks the people who among Jesus and Barabbas should be released. The chief priests and elders, upset with Jesus and his activities, persuaded the crowd to have Barabbas freed and Jesus crucified. Certainly Jesus made significant changes in the perspectives and views of people across the region and upset quite a few others. I wonder how could someone who preaches kindness, love, and honesty could’ve been viewed as an enemy or obstacle. Perhaps these people in power saw Jesus through a certain lens that blurred out the humanity and good in Jesus’ actions and words.

I myself have been in this position, seeing not the actions and words of kindness of an individual but focusing on possible intentions and how this person may impact my own status. It can be easy to overlook people because of their actions or identity, or view the world in a way that minimizes the humanity and love while heavily analyzing possible political reasons and motivations for why people do things. As difficult as it may be, especially for those of us who have not often seen the humanity and love in the world, we must follow Christ’s teachings and see the love and joy in life to break out of restricting worldviews.

Allow our hearts to speak to us and guide us on a path that gives and forgives rather than punishes.

Written by Danica Hawthorne

Danica is beginning a new chapter of life focusing on the future by building sustainable foundations and community networks. It’s never too late in life to learn a new skill or pick up a new practice.


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