Earthquake Love

AM Psalm [70], 71 • PM Psalm 74
2 Samuel 4:1-12 • Acts 16:25-40 • Mark 7:1-23

I find it impossible to read today’s epistle lesson from Acts and not relate it to the prison ministries of our parish. Paul and Silas are beaten, chained and thrown in jail. Around midnight, as they were praying and singing, a violent earthquake shook the foundations of the prison, all the doors opened, everyone’s chains were loosed, and they were free.

  • Every time St. Paul’s clergy and volunteers provide Eucharist at the Northwest Arkansas Community Correction Center (NWACCC) for women...

  • Every summer that Kristi Palmer brings children with an incarcerated parent together for an opportunity to attend summer camp...

  • Every time Kaye Bernard leads an Enneagram class at NWACCC...

  • Every time Mac Mayfield and other trained volunteers with the Bail Project are given an opportunity to assist pre-trial defendants...

  • Every time a woman coming out of prison or trafficking is given a supportive home and safety at Magdalene Serenity House...

  • Every time the Prison Story Project gives voice to incarcerated women and men to tell their stories through creative writing, visual art, and song writing...

Every time an incarcerated, or formerly incarcerated neighbor, experiences the prison ministries of St. Paul’s, there is a spiritual earthquake that loosens chains and throws open all the doors that separate, judge, and imprison us from one another. And those served by our prison ministries experience freedom through worship, freedom of expression, and freedom to experience acceptance, respect, community, hope, redemption, and God’s love.

For more information on these and other outreach and affiliated ministries visit

Written by Kathy McGregor

A grateful recipient of God’s love.


Moral Conversations


Their Hearts Were Hardened