Psalm 106:1-4, 48

Psalm 106:1-18 • Psalm 106:19-48
Judges 17:1-13 • Acts 7:44-8:1a • John 5:19-29

Alleluia! Give thanks, for the Holy One is good;
God’s mercy endures for ever.
Who can declare the mighty works of God
or show forth rightful praise?
Happy are they who act with justice,
and always do what is right.
Remember me O God, with the favor you have for your people,
and visit me with your saving help.
Blest be the God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting,
And let all the people say “Amen!” Alleluia.

Between the first four and the last verse of this psalm is a telling of the Israelites’ long journey from Egypt into a different land. I started imagining what some of it might have been like. It was a long journey – and they didn’t know how long it would be. It was unpleasant and different from what they were used to. They didn’t know exactly where they were going nor what it would be like when they got there. If they didn’t follow the rules and guidelines (laws) they were punished – sometimes with death. Some were punished even if they had followed the rules. (Verse 29 even mentions a plague!)

Does this sound a bit familiar to you? It does to me. COVID 19 has changed all our lives – mostly in ways we don’t like. We can’t do so many things we are used to, so many things we enjoyed, so many things we did for others. We certainly don’t know how long this journey will take. We can’t even be sure what our world will be like when the pandemic is “over.” If we don’t follow the guidelines (masks, hand-washing, physical distancing, et al) we put ourselves and others at risk for illness, maybe even death.

But – the story in Psalm 106 begins and ends with Alleluia!

“God’s mercy endures for ever! 
Remember me O, God with the favor you have for your people!”

Truly Amen! & Alleluia!

Written by Jacqui Brandli

I miss so much of my “old life” but I hold to God’s mercy and find joy in the beauty and wonder of all things bright and beautiful.


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