Who do you listen to? Who do you believe?

Psalm [120], 121, 122, 123 • Psalm 124, 125, 126, [127]
Judges 18: 1-15 • Acts 8: 1-13 • John 5: 30-47

When I read the passages from the book of Acts and from John’s gospel, I thought of these questions: Who do I listen to? Who do I believe? Which voices do I give more weight to? Who speaks the truth?

In Acts we read a story that begins with what I would call “fake news.” The people of Samaria are described as “eagerly listening” to a man called Simon, who had “amazed them with his magic.” But when Simon encounters the apostle Philip, who was in Samaria proclaiming the good news about the Kingdom of God and baptizing men and women in the name of Jesus Christ, Simon understands that this is the “real deal” and becomes a believer himself. The higher truth of Philip’s message dispels the magician’s rhetoric – Simon is the one now amazed by Philip’s signs and great miracles and he begins to follow the apostle, who he accepts as the one speaking the Truth.

In the reading from John, it is the voice of Jesus that we hear as he tries to convince his followers that he is the Son of God, not only based on his testimony but proven by that of others. In some versions the translation uses “testify” and in others “bears witness” – but both imply truth telling. John the Baptist, a “burning and shining lamp,” is cited as one testifying to Jesus as the Messiah. The works that Jesus undertook also bear witness that he was, indeed, sent by the Father. 

God even testifies on behalf of his son and lastly - like a good lawyer wrapping up his argument - Jesus points to the scriptures of Moses as the revelation of his true identity:   “But if you do not believe what he wrote, how will you believe what I say?” (John 5:47)

God, grant me a discerning heart and mind, to read and hear your truth when it is presented to me. Let me not get muddled in amazement by the words of false prophets but guide me to discover your truth in all things. Amen.

Written by Shannon Dillard Mitchell

...who is seeking God’s truth and praying for the wisdom to discern it.


Out of the Depths


Psalm 106:1-4, 48