Trying Times

Psalm 72 • Psalm 119: 73-96
Job 42: 1-17 • Acts 16: 16-24 • John 12: 20-26

As you can imagine, working at a children’s hospital can be quite difficult at times. The vast majority of patients we see will grow up to live perfectly long and healthy lives. But occasionally there are patients whose short lives have already been so unimaginably difficult, and who are given a devastating prognosis. I have to admit I think about those kids all the time. Despite what I’ve heard from the church my entire life, it’s hard not to ponder the classic question, “If god is so great and loving, why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?” And, if you add on the pandemic, life at the hospital can seem quite grim at times.

Today’s evening psalm was kind of exactly what I needed to hear, and I hope it helps others, too. Verse 76-77 says, “May your unfailing love be my comfort…let your compassion come to me that I may live.” I don’t agree with having totally blind faith, however even in the times where life seems grim, I still find myself asking God for comfort. Even when I begin to question why these children are suffering, or why 190,000 Americans had to have died due to poor government leadership and preparation, I try to remember that despite the suffering, God still surrounds them with His love. Even if you can’t bring yourself to find comfort in the traditional idea of God Himself, try to find comfort in your loved ones, in the things that make you laugh every day, in the sun, because those things are God too.

Written by Tel Johnson

Tel grew up attending St. Paul’s. She currently lives in Little Rock with her cat, Hershel, and works at Arkansas Children’s Hospital.


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