Science of Spirituality

Psalm [70], 71 • Psalm 74
Job 28:1-28 • Acts 16:25-40 • John 12:27-36a

Man looks for wisdom through accumulation of wealth, control of the environment, and a deeper quest for knowledge. Job argues that we do not find God through our feats of engineering, our success, or our understanding of the natural world. Instead, fear of the Lord is true wisdom and understanding comes through our deliberate action to turn away from evil. 

As a biochemistry major, I’ve always looked for God in science. It is important to remember that God goes beyond our understanding. Though present in science and engineering, God is not the science or engineering itself. Through searching for God only in what we can see and understand, we diminish His wonder and place God dangerously close to ourselves. The further I get in my education, the more I realize how little humanity really knows about ourselves and our world. The mystery lies just beyond our sight. God is not a place you can reach, an equation you can derive, or a process you can observe, yet He is present in all these efforts. 

If we can’t understand God, the question becomes how do we pursue Him? God can speak through our work and guide our understanding. While we can never understand God, He can reveal himself through our understanding. Placing a holy lens on our work creates an opening for God’s love to pour out into the visible world. It is through pursuing God that we can begin to experience the unseen. 

Written by Hadley Thomas

Hadley is currently a biochemistry student at Colorado School of Mines and hopes to attend medical school to become a Navy physician. She is passionate about her faith and is excited to share her perspective and interpretations with the amazing congregation of Saint Paul’s.


Psalm 69:1-2


Trying Times