We Must Persevere

AM Psalm 87, 90 • PM Psalm 136
1 Macc. 2:1-28 • Rev. 20:1-6 • Matt. 16:21-28

The readings from Matthew and Revelations share a similar message and complement each other. More specifically, Matthew instructs while Revelations justifies.

Jesus declares to his disciples his duty to journey to Jerusalem and into the hands of suffering and death. Peter, filled with love for Jesus, begs him not to endure this hardship. Yet Jesus reminds the disciples that those who want to save their life will lose it, that to follow Him requires us to deny ourselves, and that we will find salvation. This message is repeated in Revelation: “I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus and for the word of God…They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”

What lies ahead of us, whether small stumbling blocks or impassible obstacles, should not scare us but reaffirm our faith in God. For we shall experience eternal love and life when we follow Christ, and the Church here on Earth serves to support all those who may stumble and those who seek help. Our community exists for a reason. We all come together not just to worship God but to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and heal the wounded and sick. We all care for one another.

Remember to extend kindness and love to all, as sometimes we may forget that each and every person faces struggles and adversities whether large or minuscule. And while enduring suffering and difficult trials are something we try to avoid, we must persevere and endure without fear, for Christ and his Kingdom shall always be with us so long as our faith remains strong.

Written by Danica Hawthorne

...who seeks to better understand the teachings of Christ and aid the community through Christian works and political activism.


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