Worldwide Faith

AM Psalm 140, 142 • PM Psalm 141, 143:1-11(12)
Isa. 24:14-23 • 1 Pet. 3:13-4:6 • Matt. 20:17-28

All the way in the west, people celebrate God’s majesty. All the way in the east, people exalt God’s name. From one end of the earth to the other people sing “Glory to God.” (Adelyn’s paraphrase of Isaiah 24:14-16)

People all around the world worship God! By different names, in different traditions, and in a multitude of languages, people worship a higher power. Through trade, conquest, colonialism, migration, and more, Christianity specifically is spread throughout the earth. We can certainly spend some time looking at the harm that is a result of some of this Christian expansion, but today, I want to spend a moment in celebration of the Christian community throughout the world.

Something that started with twelve men, and just as many women without names, somehow became a global movement. People all over the world claim Jesus as their Savior. We read the same Bible, pray to the same God, and share many prayers.

Perhaps just as beautiful as our shared global faith is the local manifestation of Christianity around the world. Take for example the many culturally specific depictions of Mary and Jesus. The variety of racial and cultural expressions of Christianity demonstrates just how significant a Savior for all humankind really is. The gospel transcends the human boundaries of our world. Simultaneously, the gospel celebrates the beauty of human diversity. And we are all saved in the process.

By following Jesus, we join in the global Body of Christ, we are offered a chance at global fellowship, and we are brought closer to God’s kin-dom.

Almighty God, you sent your Son Jesus Christ to reconcile the world to yourself: We praise and bless you for thos whom you have sent in the power of the Spirit to preach the Gospel to all nations. We thank you that in all parts of the earth a community of love has been gathered together by their prayers and labors, and that in every place your servants call upon your Name; for the kingdom and the power and the glory are yours for ever. Amen.

“Thanksgiving for the Mission of the Church,” Book of Common Prayer, p. 838

Written by Rev. Adelyn Tyler

Adelyn’s favorite Thanksgiving food is green bean casserole, of which she will probably eat a whole pan throughout the week. She is excited for the joyful expectation of Advent and is delighted to join St. Paul’s in their Advent and Christmas traditions.


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